Sunday, August 21, 2005

Someday That Day Will Come

My husband and I don't have anything resembling a plan (really for anything in our lives), but we do know that we won't live in Brooklyn for forever. Part of me thinks that even if we could afford to buy in Brooklyn, I don't want to stay forever. As much as I love almost everything about living here, I miss having a big yard and the quiet of a smaller place. That said, we made little lists a year or so ago of all of the things that we find important about an environment. Based on our overlapping needs, I've been trying to research different areas that seem like a good match. Recently I found this awesome web site that pretty much does a lot of the hard work for you. The city comparison is my favorite feature because the whole cost of living is a major factor. Really, short of moving to Tokyo, there aren't many places we could end up that would be more expensive.

So now we just need to take a few exploratory trips to check out some of these places. My current short list of potential new home bases:

1.Portland, OR
2. Philadelphia
3. Asheville, NC
4. Ann Arbor, MI
5. Pittsburg

Really, you can remove numbers 2 through 5. I'm pretty much fixated/obsessed with Portland at this point. I always used to think it was just too far away, but I no longer feel that way. It really appeals to the hippie in me and Jet Blue goes there. So we're hoping to take a trip out there in the near future. Some friends are moving to Vancouver this weekend and some other friends live in Seattle and SF. I smell a road trip.

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