Saturday, January 12, 2008

there's no way to discuss this usual

I was talking to my dad two days ago and once again, he managed to surprise and horrify me. He lives in Columbia, SC most of the year and goes up to Ohio for the summers. He frequently asks me inane questions like "How do you get to work", to which I've had the same response for 7 years. He still thinks NYC is the most dangerous, crime infested place a person could be. When I pointed out to him that statistically speaking, it's far more dangerous in Columbia than in NYC (see crime stats below), he proffered up this tidbit:

Dad: "Well, that's why I never leave the house without my 9mm."
Me: "What??!!"
Dad: "It's completely legal. I have a concealed weapons permit."
Me: "Jesus Christ, Dad. Is that really necessary?"
Dad: "Well, one time I was just about a mile from the house and I pulled up to a 4 way stop. There was a van and a bunch of people got out and started flashing their gang signs, you know, challenges to each other. Well, I wasn't sure what was going to happen so I stepped on the gas and gunned it. If they hadn't jumped out of the way, I'd have run them all down. And ever since then I don't leave the house without my 9mm."

So that apparently is all it takes to make an already paranoid, nightmare having Vietnam vet tote a loaded weapon around under his shirt. Unbelievable.

Stats courtesy of

Crime in Columbia by Year

Type 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Murders 141215101518157
per 100,000 12.410.712.78.412.715.212.75.9
Rapes 7440628358745656
per 100,000 65.835.552.769.748.962.347.547.1
Robberies 510493442497461464381375
per 100,000 453.2438.1375.4417.5388.9390.6323.1315.4
Assaults 860955781949808961859852
per 100,000 764.2848.6663.2797.2681.6808.9728.5716.5
Burglaries 1,2901,2091,4261,6391,3951,7031,3321,254
per 100,000 1146.31074.31211.01376.91176.91433.51129.71054.6
Thefts N/A6,5086,8636,2135,9076,7505,5135,086
per 100,000 N/A5782.95828.25219.44983.35681.94675.64277.2
Auto thefts 748750985916825819837654
per 100,000 664.7666.4836.5769.5696.0689.4709.9550.0
Arson 514729N/A15272627
per 100,000 45.341.824.6N/A12.722.722.122.7 crime index (higher means more crime, U.S. average = 280.8) N/A710.7697.7724.0654.8741.9629.0576.3

Crime in New York by Year

Type 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Murders 671673587597570539596
per 100,000
Rapes 1,7021,6301,6891,6091,4281,4121,071
per 100,000 22.921.020.919.917.617.413.1
Robberies 36,10032,56227,22925,98924,37324,72223,511
per 100,000 485.9420.3336.8320.9300.9304.6287.9
Assaults 40,51140,88034,33431,25329,31727,95026,908
per 100,000 545.3527.7424.7385.9361.9344.4329.6
Burglaries 40,46937,11230,10228,29326,10023,21022,137
per 100,000 544.7479.1372.3349.4322.2286.0271.1
Thefts 140,377139,664129,655124,846124,016120,918115,363
per 100,000 1889.51802.91603.71541.71530.81489.91412.9
Auto thefts 39,69335,84727,03423,62821,07218,38115,936
per 100,000 534.3462.8334.4291.8260.1226.5195.2 crime index (higher means more crime, U.S. average = 281.9) 447.7408.5334.2313.6295.4285.2268.5

And just because the ratio seemed so narrow to me, I've included this pleasant statistic. Welcome to South Carolina folks:

"According to our research there were 677 registered sex offenders living in Columbia, South Carolina in early 2007.
The ratio of number of residents in Columbia to the number of sex offenders is 177 to 1."

It probably isn't fair to include that, since I can't find a comparable stat for NYC, but whatever.

1 comment:

Listmaker said...

i hear what you're saying but for all the problems in sc, i bet if you ordered two cans of seltzer from a restaurant, you'd damn well get two cans of seltzer rather than two containers of salsa!

just saying.