Wednesday, August 15, 2007

2 recent interactions

Interaction #1:
young latina woman: can you tell me where to find the books on STDs?
me: sexually transmitted diseases?
young latina woman: what?? NO!
me: SATs?
young latina woman: huh? yeah.

Interaction #2: [she has a school reading list in hand]
young latina woman (different from #1): yeah, just gimme 2 books off the list.
me: which two?
young latina woman: i don't care. just make em inneresting.
me: i can't make a book interesting.
me: {handing her richard wright's Native Son}
young latina woman: Yo! this book is mad fat! gimme a skinny book!


Mama Junebug Jones said...

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I experienced interaction #2 at Northshire-- except mine all involved very white children.

sam said...

ouch...but the whole sat/std thing is pretty funny.