Wednesday, February 06, 2008

counting crochet stitches

For the third time in a week, I got less than 2 hours of sleep last night. Thankfully those nights were not consecutive, so while I'm totally wiped out right now, I'm not downright stupid. [Apparently, I may be downright stupid, because as I typed that I accidentally left out the "not"] I have a lot on my mind these days and no matter how tired I am, as soon as the light goes out I'm wide awake and my mind starts racing. Last night I tried to picture crocheting and different crochet stitches in my mind because I thought maybe that would be my domesticated equivalent to counting sheep. It didn't really work. I last saw the time on the clock at 3:30am and I had to get up at 5am. Tonight will likely be easy sleeping, but who knows what I'm in store for tomorrow night. Especially since tomorrow is episode 2 of the new season of Lost! I'll probably be all wired and hopped up on island theories. Maybe I should try drinking my usual evening snack of Metamucil and Ovaltine warm instead of cold. How many people just threw up in their own mouths when they read that? Well, if you haven't tried it, you can just suck it because it's not only delicious, but it's good for you too! Oh god I need some sleep.


jordi said...

Romeo just knocks them off completely. Then Sienna eats them.
I assume this is you, so you'll know who Sienna is.

Hott Mama said...

I didn't throw up in my mouth, but I did grimace to the point that I think I pulled a muscle in my cheek.

Anonymous said...

To work a series of chain stitches, wrap your yarn round your hook (two loops on hook) and then pull your hook through the first loop on its shaft. Now you have only one loop on your hook, and one chain stitch formed. Repeat this process for as many chain stitches as needed for your individual crochet pattern or project.
crochet stitches